In Australia, emus are a protected species, but they are not endange... ...military was called up to take action against the emus . Author Murray Johnson tells us how that mission... ...cent of the allotted total – to destroy 200 emus ,” says Johnson. “When o...[] (YouTube link)A grou... ...://] (YouTube link)A group of emus and one ostrich named Sexy Sexy Sniper encounter... Moa was the only wingless bird that ever exist... no wings. But wait, you say, what about kiwis, emus , and ostriches? Well, these flightless birds, a g... tranquilizer darts - that's the stuff of Ho... ...Real police officers use taser, even on a wayward emu :Authorities in Mississippi said they had to handc... ...ities in Mississippi said they had to handcuff an emu and shock it with a Taser to remove the ostrich-l... ...they used handcuffs, too. I'm as...