Psychopaths are commonly seen as people who do not consider the thoughts and feelings of others. Or when they do, they don't care about those thoughts and feelings. Arielle Baskin-Sommers of Yale University has been stud... aren’t born knowing empathy . Even if they were, it wouldn’t extend to p... Lindsey Turner)We know that yawning is con... ...te that yawning is a social activity that denotes empathy . Jason G. Goldman writes for Scientific American:... ...s a link in those animals between familiarity and empathy -related behaviors as well. (Photo: Nils Rinaldi)... ...eased contagious yawnin...[] (YouTube link) Empathy is when you make yourself truly available emotion... ...who explains the difference between sympathy and empathy better than I ever could. You may recognize the b... Minerva Studio/Shutterstock... ...rror system, the part of their brains linked with empathy . It turns out, feeling powerless... ...e're finding is power diminishes all varieties of empathy ," says Dacher Keltner, a social psychologist...[] (YouTube link)Everyone has their own story, their own joys, fears, and worries. If we could see what they are carrying around, would we treat them differently? The Cleveland Clinic produced...! This is how you connect with your wife or girlfriend (or both). Endless Origami teaches us to listen attentively, affirm her words and try to share the experience. This is when real communication and relationshi... Crupi's Empathy Table doesn't have any legs. It rests on the laps... this table, the two users are forced to be in " empathy rats have empathy ? A new study hinted that empathy isn't unique to humans and a few smart... ...bal Ben-Ami Bartal describe their rat empathy -testing apparatus: An enclosure into which pairs...