Bernard Littman is 100 years old. His blushing bride, Marjorie Fiterman, is 102. Guinness World Records has awarded them the record for the world's oldest newlywed couple having a combined age of 202 years and 271 days.T... Hackman of Cincinnati, Ohio must have some secrets to her longevity and suggestions that we could incorporate into our own lifestyles. Her birthday plans provide immediate guidance.19 News reports that Mrs. Hack... Orthmann of Brusque, Brazil doesn't have to work at the age of 100, but he wants to. It gives him a sense of purpose. And he's carried that sense for the last 84 years at RenauView, a textile manufacturer. He's do... Steiner grew up in Austria and attended medical school there before immigrating to the United States. He went on to become America's leading clinical hematologist while acquiring a second doctorate in biochemistr... share this around and get the newsforwa... ...wned business is reaching out to the homeless and elderly of the Sidcup neighborhood to ensure no one is al... ...m at Shish also wanted to open their doors to the elderly because “lots of people stay home alone for... offering free meals to hom...[] (YouTube link)Some people never give up. John Green tells us about some folks who are over the age of 80 and put us all to shame with the things they do, in athletics, in travel, in working..."Sometimes... just sometimes when people say forever, they mean it." I have so much brewing over here in my heart that I'm eager to share. But for now, I just wanted to share this photo and a part of my mission with y'al... Chris Yarzab)The Greater Manchester Police Trafford South (UK) reports that yesterday, a man attacked an 86-year old woman in a grocery store and demanded her money. She refused and instead pulled a package of ba... Darragh Kane)Kay and Joe O'Regan are 80 years old and in fantastic condition--as is their marriage. For many years, the couple has run marathons. Kay has run 113 and Joe has run 29. They first crossed the finish... Ernestine Shepherd)80!She looks like this and is 80 years old!How is that even possible?!Ernestine Shepherd will tell you. She gets up at 3 AM every morning to pray and meditate. Then she runs 10 miles--except du...