Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs revealed the tradition of soldiers pr... Egypt Centre/Swansea University Talismans usualy..., but not this one! Recently found by Egypt Centre curator Carolyn Graves-Brown, the talisman... ...rolyn Graves-Brown, the talisman of the Egyptian dwarf god Bes has googly eyes...'s a sure-fire way to ruin a perfectly good fu... ...ral: wake the corpse up. It happened last week in Egypt . Hamdi Hafez al-Nubi of the village of Naga al-Si... didn't know it, but there have been more tha... actresses in their portrayals of the Egyptian queen, and presented them in a gallery for your e... fans, this one's... ...: Louis Armstrong playing for his wife Lucille in Egypt , 1961. I wonder what the Sphinx thought... 1961 while he and his band were touring Egypt as a cultural ambassador. For more in... new exhibition in London's Mica Gallery will... ...n London's Mica Gallery will feature contemporary Egyptian art, much of which depicts themes and imagery fro... Great Pyramid of Giza contains narrow passageways and chambers that have never been explored. A small robot was sent into an 8-inch wide chute in 1993 and 2002, but both expeditions ran into something impassable. Now... found an enormous 42-foot tall stat... ...enormous 42-foot tall statue of Amenhotep III in Egypt , and the news bring about the poem Ozymandias by... a labyrinth of tunnels beneath the Egyptian desert lies a truly remarkable catacomb containin... ...d remains of dogs and jackals. Now, since this is Egypt , mummies aren't exactly unusual - what made the D... ...y the thousands in puppy farms around the ancient Egyptian ca... link) The revolutionary movements of the Middle East, explained by the cast of the game Angry Birds in a retro-animation cartoon set to the tune of the Three Little Pigs. Does that make it all clear now? Of...