Kelly Lee Barrett, Kaycee Krieg, Jeff Wysaski,... ...ated to recreate famous movie scenes using Easter eggs ! This one is, of course, from the movie Say Anyth... user bbstudio doesn't reveal how... via Make | Previously: Nutritional Labels for Eggs Bedford upcycled a fork into an egg cup. At the link, he provides humorously-illustrated instructions for doing the same. You'll need a claw hammer or a vise. He writes: The most important thing is the sh... is great, but it also needs a proof of purchase tab that can be cut off and mailed in for special offers. Thingiverse user dnewman used the Eggbot egg-decorating machine to draw a nutritional label on an egg.... hope that Google Translate is mangling this... ...the urine left in buckets by schoolboys and boil eggs with it. "hawkers to sell the boy down the stree... ..."hawkers to sell the boy down the street selling eggs , street an odor, Dongyang people say that this is...'s advertising for this year's Creme Eggs brings us a game in which you use a catapult to t... ...ngs us a game in which you use a catapult to toss eggs at Google Maps locations. After flailing about so... seller Ann Parri made this scarf out of t... ...Ann Parri made this scarf out of tasty bacon and eggs . Or yarn. One of the those two options. The ba... an egg inside its shell is nothing... ...d Windell had to ultimately resort to cooking the eggs in vacuum-sealed bags. At the end of the post, h... ...umber of advanced recipes, such as inverse Scotch eggs Newberry made deviled eggs that look like the eye of Sauron from The Lord of... hen in Eastwood, UK, lay an egg that was 9.1 inc... ...eding the standing record of 8.6 inches: Hens' eggs typically have a circumference of 5.5 inches and... Essex, said yesterday: 'My hens have laid big eggs before but when I saw this one I was gobsmacked.... ...six months old, and has only just...