In 1970, Bob Russell's '67 Austin Healey 3000... ...Finally, one morning, he saw his car for sale on eBay . That was only the beginning of Russell's stru... Matt Rourke/AP A l... raise funds: it's selling itself on eBay *! For sale: "One Pre-owned,... ...gins the tongue-in-cheek, but completely serious, eBay listing for The Learning Center, a La... ...hool has put itself up for auction on... street legal (at least in New Brunswick)... ...m skin attached to a wood frame. It's for sale on eBay . Your friends and neighbors will be speechless wh... 1931 Ford Model A has been heavily modifi... ...ribes as "like changing a tire." It's for sale on eBay . Link -via Jalopnik floating house that was used as MacGyver's... ...e buyer can take immediate possession. Link to eBay in Adelaide, Australia, were not happy t... ...honor they bestowed upon singer Cher for sale at eBay . The Key to the City was sold early today on the... I understand it correctly, this 1972 Dodge... ...usical significance. Also: a hot ride. It sold on eBay today for $99,999.99. Link -via Jalopnik Labrecque of California had an old safe, but... that it was empty, so he decided to sell it on eBay for scrap. A man in Bartlett, Tennessee bought it... ...did, however, give Labrecque a positive review on eBay . Link -via The Agitator | Image: WMCTV 1979 Dodge Ram Van, for sale on eBay , is a discreet, unobtrusive way of conveying your... happens when a top-secret government proj... ...prototype parts are sold for scrap and end up on eBay . Anyone interested in top secret aircraft will k... ...comes in the form of an A-12 canopy appearing on eBay