Talking about driving your point home! Pictured above is a billboard c... ...rnment of Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, to discourage drunk driving . The text on the back side, according to English... J. Johnson drove his truck into a house in Webster, Massachusetts. He blamed the crash on the dogs running loose in his truck. James. J. Johnson said the dogs make him lose control of his vehicle. But Webster pol... this under "might as well." New Zea... ..." New Zealander named Paul Nigel Sneddon was driving drunk and got himself into an accident. While waiting f... Hutton of Essex, UK, was stopped by police fo... ...ul Hutton of Essex, UK, was stopped by police for driving a children's toy car while drunk . The Barbie-branded vehicle has a top speed of 4... ...pearing before magistrates last week, he admitted driving the toy car... don't have to be actually driving a car to be arrested for drunk driving . People have been arrested while operating a hors... Strey called police in Clark County, Wisconsi... ...led police in Clark County, Wisconsin to report a drunk driver. What made this call so unusual was that s... ...she was reporting on herself! "Somebody's really drunk driving down Granton Road," she told the 911 dispatcher.... ...The dispatcher asked i...