Source, a vegan and vegetarian restaurant in San Francisco bakes pizza with the flaming breath of a dragon. At least, that's what its attractive pizza oven suggests. David Kover's review at the link asserts that the... haven't been able to track down any information about it, but allegedly this dragon figure is actually a dumpling. It's filled with a green substance and apparently steamed. You can see additional photos of the cre... member Kerembeyit doesn't paint jus... ...DeviantART member Kerembeyit doesn't paint just dragons , but he's done a lot of beautiful dragon painting... user tblad makes sculptures out of pipe cleaners, including this lovely dragon. It's about ten inches tall and contains no glue or thread -- just pipe cleaners. She has similar works in her gallery. L... Virgil England Artist Virgil England is best known for his custom fantasy-inspired knives and swords. But in 1990, he stepped outside of this domain to create a life-sized (if that's an appropriate term for an..., the age-old discipline of folding paper into amazing figures, has its own masters, and as this post demonstrates, these geniuses can truly transform paper into any form they desire.Origami – the traditional Ja...