The Apparently Kid, aka Noah Ritter, recently took... ...the masterminds behind the classic songified hits Double Rainbow and Bed Intruder.I would not be surprised if this... amysplat’s boyfriend took this pict... ...ll, Leicestershire, UK, is already awesome, but a double rainbow made it perfect! The picture, taken with an iPhon... do websites feature so many amazing costume... ...rarely seen Philosoraptor and the equally elusive Double Rainbow . 2010 was a great year for geeky costumes!Link, my God, it's a double rainbow all the way! Woah. It's so bright. What does this... link) Joe Raciti (previously at Neat... ...Joe Raciti (previously at Neatorama) took the Double Rainbow Song and adapted it for a choir. Then musician Yo... ...o Quilt" version. The result is as lovely as ...a double rainbow Awesome Than A Double Rainbow by Chris Murphy - $14.95Ever since Paul "Yos... ...r" Vasquez launched the viral Internet meme, Double Rainbow has become the web's gold standard for awesomenes... ...mean? It means that if you're more awesome than a double rainbow English over at Alcademics was so inspired... ...English over at Alcademics was so inspired by the Double Rainbow Guy that he decided to create a cocktail to honor... ...ies of colored liquid required to get the desired rainbow effect, please note that Camper is much cleverer... ...Camper is much cleve...