Love cheese and Doritos , but tired of Nacho Cheese Doritos ? Then you just might love the new limited edition... ...t flavor on something as snacktastic and corny as Doritos , but as a huge fan of snack food and luxurious ch... in the US, most of our big news about Doritos involve Taco Bell, but over in Japan, the company... Cheese Doritos are the powerhouse of chips, known for being part... to educate the public about the new laws gover... ...mpfest pot rally this weekend -giving out bags of Doritos , each bag with a sticker outlining the new laws.B... ...that it's nearly impossible to turn down a bag of Doritos ."Distributing salty snacks at a festival celebrat... ...e say they plan to dist... need a salty snack after quenching your thir... ...rday? Then up your Frito Lays fix with some bacon Doritos Blazenhoff saw "cool American" flavor Doritos for sale in Iceland. So what flavor is cool Ameri... It has come full circle. First, Taco B... ...s come full circle. First, Taco Bell launched the Doritos Locos Tacos, a taco with shel... ...Tacos, a taco with shell made from Doritos chips. Now, Doritos is making chips that tastes li...'s Saturday night, so it's time to sit alone at... ...sit alone at home while eating two entire bags of Doritos and watching all three Beastmaster films. But let... ...change up that routine. Lauren Shockley can turn Doritos into a consommé, which is a kind of soup.... often feel left out during Thanksgivin... ...suggestions, including these amazing roast turkey Doritos .Link and beer pairings are so passe. These day... ...better to partner your soda with than Cool Ranch Doritos . Some sodas failed just as bad as you would imagi...