Lily Hevesh puts the "art" in domino artist. Her chain reactions are big and innovativ... you have the nerve to try setting up a domino fall while your dog watches? I think I'd put the... ...y contain herself as her humans set up a thousand dominoes . [] (YouTube link)Bu... ...ewarded with the honor of knocking down the first domino... a step beyond the beautiful patterns and mass... ...nd the beautiful patterns and massive displays of dominos knocking each other down. Get ready to keep your... ...aying, "Wait, what just happened?" In this video, dominos fall in ways that make you appreciate the physics... [ you've ever watched a domino artist set up a run by hand, you probably decided...'s something you probably haven't seen before:... ...e's something you probably haven't seen before: a domino run for pyromaniacs! Kaplamino, who brought us Ma... master Hevesh5 (Lily Hevesh) and friends Berlagaw... ...ds Berlagawesome and ShanesDominoez set up 15,524 dominos to fall in a single line. It took two days to set... ...And they all managed to fall without tripping up dominos master Hevesh5 spent 25 hours over eight days to... ...te this triple spiral consisting of around 15,000 dominoes . As you watch the three sequences of the fall, th... domino fall contains more than 34,000 dominoes , but more importantly, it tells us about Doctor W... project is from jojodrummer96. See more of his domino creations at his website. -via Geeks Are Sexy[] YouTube user Fl... ...ube user Flippycat laughs at your puny attempt at domino . Watch this clip of him knocking down giant dominoes made from 30,000 individual domino world record for largest human... ...The world record for largest human mattress dominoes has been broken: you now have to assemb... ...he title World's Largest Human Mattress Dominoes . Aren't you glad that you're alive to s...