Jareth the Goblin King from The Labyrinth is David... ...est to celebrate his legendary role. But cats and dogs are always in competition, so now it's time to as... ...ow it's time to ask, who wore it better -kitty or doggy Jareth? Somehow cats just seem like a better Davi... ...t seem like a better David Bow...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/01/18/David-Bowies-Jareth-Costume-Who-Wore-It-Better-The-Cat-or-the-Dog/Freddy was the runt of the litter when he was born... ...since then. In fact, now he's the world's tallest dog -when he stands up on his back legs, he measures...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/01/03/Say-Hello-to-the-New-Worlds-Tallest-Dog/The internet is going crazy wondering if this ador... ...wondering if this adorable fuzzball is a cat or a dog . It's so hard to tell with that fluffy face and g...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/11/16/Can-You-Tell-if-This-is-a-Dog-or-a-Cat/(Instagram link) Patrick Beach bought boots for his Italian greyhound Yo-kai so he can play outside in winter. It looks like Yo-kai will need some time to get used to them! Bonus: this video gives us a real rofl, if not...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/11/12/Yo-kais-New-Boots/(Facebook link)In this cute video from Mark Hughes... ...hose continues to spew water, and the other four dogs chase after the water stream. By the time the hos...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/09/30/Jack-Russell-Terriers-vs-Garden-Hose/Scrattie, like most dogs , doesn’t know where the destination will be... ...eft turn, Scrattie realizes they are going to the dog park![https://youtu.be/3MVGBG6nmUA] (YouTube link... ...A] (YouTube link)Oh, joyous day! Oh, what a happy dog ! This is even better than when...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/09/18/Were-Going-to-the-Dog-Park/What’s the most popular hobby among house ca... ...uTube link)And what’s a popular hobby among dogs ? Annoying the cats, of course. -via Arbroath
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/09/13/Scaredy-Cats/If you want a new dog , you can always look the classified ads of your l...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/09/03/What-Kind-of-Dog/The following is an article from The Annals of Imp... ...form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year! Dog -centric researchcompiled by Dirk Manley, Improbab... ...robable Research staffDog Likes You Like You Like Dog ?“I Like My Dog , Does My *strong class="match...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/08/31/Dog-Research-Dogs-Like-Dogs-Snub/People who use the internet love cute animals and they love video games. Combining them is a no-brainer, but the result is better than you’d expect when a Jack Russell terrier named Twinkie, who loves to pop balloo...