His head isn’t square. It’s nicely rou... ...he Republic of China, this is the latest trend in dog grooming : cubical haircuts.(Photos: Zhaizhai News)Also: sp...
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/04/23/Dogs-in-Taiwan-Get-Square-Haircuts/One of your spring chores is to get all that winte... ...ng chores is to get all that winter coat off your dog ’s face and body so he can stay cool in the... ...he Dodo collected before-and-after pictures of 15 dogs that were transformed by one spring grooming session....
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/04/16/What-a-Spring-Haircut-Can-Do/Photographer Sophie Gamand, originally from France... ...e that fascinates her is the relationship between dogs and their owners. From Gamand's website,"A big ci... ...s been engineered to fit the human lifestyle. Are dogs still animals? Or are they the new children of a... ...er work, Sophie Gamand explores...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/05/28/Adorable-Captures-of-Displeased-Dogs-During-Bath-Time/We've featured quite a bit of extreme dog grooming , but it's hard not to when it's an artwork that c...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/07/14/This-Isnt-A-Couch-Gag/No words to explain this we have. Ren Nethe... ...low and many other excellent examples of creative dog grooming . He travels thousands of miles each year criss-cr... ...ng America to document our country's most extreme grooming competitions. The Force is clearly with t... ...ions. The...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/06/18/Yoda-Dog/Amazing what a little trim can do to make one appe... ...e to an earlier similar human transformation. The dog is a maltese/pomeranian mix named Ippo. Link