Photo: Agaton Strom / The New York Times... ...a lot of fun. Behold, archery tag, which is like dodgeball but with bows and arrows. "The cool n... ...ames and The Walking Dead. The game is similar to dodgeball : two teams of players scramble to collect arrows... a bully called their team "the fruit bask... ...bully called their team "the fruit basket," this dodgeball Link) Personally, I've always hated athl... ...hose involving rollerskating,trampolines, tag and dodgeball , which is why I think this new and improved versi... ...h is why I think this new and improved version of dodgeball looks like it might just be the most fun sport ev... Link) On Feb. 5th, 1,200 students, s... ...ity of Alberta played the world's largest game of dodgeball : Although it will be several months before off... ...the accomplishment, organizers say the noon-hour dodgeball game in the Butterdome was the largest the world...