Manfred Steiner grew up in Austria and attended me... clinical hematologist while acquiring a second doctorate in biochemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of...[](Video Link)This adorable video from 2009 shows a very proud father and his son. The dad has good reason to be proud! David, the young man in the video, was leaving home to de... clothing retailer BetaBrand has released a catalog of its spring collection, modeled entirely by women with Ph.D.s or who are Ph.D. candidates. You can see the clothing here, and if you click on individual items,...'s quite impressive to know that Alex Santoso re... ...igies, who skipped grades left and right to get a doctorate at unbelievably young ages, like Ruth Lawrence.In... Link) I suspect that Alex's grad school life (remember, the owner of this site is a fully credentialed mad scientist) was like this. Except for the female groupies. This video was produced as a promotional...! You must take out more student loans in ord... doctorate / via The Mary Sue | Image: Ben Dunn Might, a professor of Computer Science at the University of Utah, created a set of circular diagrams to explain the significance and impact of a doctoral degree. He uses them to explain to incoming doctoral student...