Artist Phil Postma saw the many Pixar/Marvel mashu... ...r/Marvel mashups done after the announcement that Disney was buying Marvel comics. And then he went to wor...[] (YouTube link)The Disney animated short Paperman is up for an Oscar this y... ...mputer animation, giving it the feel of a classic Disney film.Paperman‘s seemingly seamless way of b... wonder what one of those paintings from The H... ...the pool of aligators cosplaying for Bat's Day at Disneyland .Link Via BoingBoing are plenty of companies out there that specialize in creating Cinderella-themed carriages for married couples and families. Of all the carriages I've seen, this is hands down my favorite.via I Love Creative Designs... Willie Cookie Jar Are you looking for a... ...ure to check out the NeatoShop for more fantastic Disney items and great Kitchen Stuff. Link you know the original Tower of Terror was supp... ...error was supposed to involve Mel Brooks? Or that Disneyland almost had an Edison Square? Throughout the years... Potts and Chip Salt & Pepper Shakers - $13.95The holiday season is here. Are you dancing around what to get your favorite Beauty and The Beast fan? Don't be imprisoned by indecision. Get the Mrs. Potts and Chip... woman in the picture is as close to the real M... ...ecording studio, and often acted out the roles so Disney Link)Duck Pimples is a classi... ...(YouTube Link)Duck Pimples is a classic Disney short about Donald Duck battling with his imagina...[] (YouTube link) Disney is developing a robot that can interact with visi... ...rvingly like the Terminator. Those who think that Disney