In a collaboration between Les Chevaliers du Ciel (The Knights Of Heaven), the European Space Agency (ESA), and noveSpace (a company that operates a vomit comet), a group of disabled kids got to experience weightlessness... Greenbriar Christian Academy)7-year old A... ...a has been determined from infancy to not let her disability impede her goals. The Virginia Pilot reports:But...[](Video Link)One of the great joys of life is playing with a young child. They're full of pure energy and bliss. But if you're paralyzed, then actively participating in play is... cooking tasks are commonly done with two hands. What do you do if that's not an option for you? Sichen Sun developed this mechanical cutting board in response to this need. It's called Better Cut.First, Sun observed... Caroline's Cart)This is Caroline. Her mom, Drew Ann Long, found it to be a great struggle to shop with her because Caroline needs to use a wheelchair. She's too big to fit inside the child seat of a standard shop... Brian Tagalog)Brian Tagalog was born without arms. Despite that limitation, he became a professional tattoo artist. His shop, which he calls Tattoos by Foot, is located in Tucson, Arizona. It's an appropriate nam... ultimate Christmas Story costume Image: Ashley P. AshOne of my favorite types of people are those who show grace in the face of adversity. If one looks, they'll find that the world is full of amazing people who fit t...'s better than a usual animal rescue story? How about one that also involves LEGOs? That's just what you get when you read about Schildi, a pet turtle that was found wandering the streets of Germany. Unfortunately, d... Link)What happens when two of the most famous and adorable special needs animals meet for the first time? Adorable frolicing, of course. And we couldn't be happier to watch them be happy together.Cris P. Bacon is... couple of weeks ago, Anne Belanger of New Westminster, British Columbia, was heartbroken to see her son's second grade class picture. Seven-year-old Miles Ambridge was smiling brightly, sitting in his wheelchair, off t...