Neatorama Posts Tagged "diet"
Dieting 100 Years Ago

How about some diet tips from the early 20th century? The Week has so...  ...ome excerpts from various books on the subject of dieting and nutrition. Most of them basically tell you to...
Potty Talk...

[] (YouTube link)Some three-year-olds don't talk much at all, while others talk all the time, regardless of whether anyone is listening or not. This little boy is of the latter variety. He's go...
Beer, Cheese and Bacon Risotto...

Food blogger Emily Bites seems to be a gal after our hearts. After all, she not only found a way to make risotto with beer, cheese and bacon, but it's even relatively low in calories (only 280 a serving). You can learn h...
The Starbucks Diet

Losing weight may be as simple as going to your neighborhood coffee shop. At least, that's what worked for Christine Hall, who lost nearly 80 pounds by eating only Starbucks food:...
Scientific Weight Loss Tips...

[youtube HA00ZctGz50] (YouTube link)These diet tips have been vetted by scholarly journals and t...
Early Human Relatives Ate Bark...

A fossil species of the human family called Austra...  ...tists a chance to reconstruct what they ate. That diet was a surprise. The team conducted their studies...  ...-eating may not have been their first choice. The diet and the fact that they lived in a cave may mean t...
Arthur Boorman's Transformation...

(YouTube link) Gulf War veteran Arthur Boorman suffered from back and knee problems due to jumping out of planes too many times. Reliant on crutches and braces, he gained weight over the years until he made up his min...
The K-E Diet

Psst, want to lose 10 pounds in...  ...without going hungry? No, not a miracle diet pill - it's a doctor-supervised program called th...  ...- it's a doctor-supervised program called the K-E Diet that's becoming popular with brides-to-...  ...downside? Well, read on: The K-E...
The Pet Fit Club 2012 Finalists...

(YouTube link) A British reality TV show called The Pet Fit Club takes overweight pets and tries to reform their lives. It sounds like a better concept than The Biggest Loser, because we can all root for the pets, who...
The 1940's Experiment...

Carolyn Eakins has a goal to lose 100 pounds. To a...  ...00 pounds. To accomplish this, she is copying the diet of wartime rations from the 1940s. For a year. T...  ...ment living for one year on a wartime ration book diet to conquer obesity.  100 wartime recipes will be...  ...ll as experiences of living on...

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