Gremlins is a visually striking film, with lots of... ...nd Chucky doll to the tiny and impossible to find Demogorgon Miniature.See if you can collect 'em all with you... Monster from the Netflix series Stranger Thing... ...terrifying teeth. The series characters call it a Demogorgon , which is a Dungeons & Dragons term. If it we... ...eck (Instagram user CBLimagery) made this awesome Demogorgon costume with a mechanical system that lets him op... plot of Stranger Things seems pretty straightf... ...'s relationship to the monster the kids call the Demogorgon ?This fan theory video from the UPROXX series IN... group of geeky friends, teens who are too cool f... ...eky friends, teens who are too cool for school, a demogorgon , a psychic kid, and the upside down- these are al...