The old song goes like this: In heaven, there is n... ...cheesecake looked so tasty. These are two common deathbed following is an article from Uncle John's 24-K... ...ll be waiting on the other side. Here are some of Death 's strangest personifications.Name: YamarajOrigin:... ...for short, his name literally means "the Lord of Death ." In artistic depictions, he's a portly man with... ...existence on a water buffalo,... a dead man is found alive and well (and ahem,... ...Ohio legal statute, there could be no changes to death rulings after three years have passed. So, accor... of the bestsellers of 1538 was a book of woodc... ...s by Hans Holbein the Younger called The Dance of Death . Later editions were also popular (more illustra... Providence, Rhode Island.The woodcuts portray Death as an entity in the form of a skeleton or a corp... ...orm of a skeleton or a corps... Knapke met his wife Ruth in third g... ...66 years of marriage. Their children called their deaths "final act of love": [... contracted a rare infection shortly before her death and it was clear she was not going to recover. Wh...[] (vimeo link)Would you want to know? In this video by Michael Mohan, a machine tells people how they are going to die. It does not say when. They still can't see it coming. And once you think y...[] (YouTube link)As par... ...rough a list of 41 peculiar, ironic, or notorious deaths . Notice how many of these cases say "supposedly&... September 2012, passers-by ran across a... ...only logical explanation was that he fell to his death . But from where and how? The solution to t... guy next to me says my cigarette smoke is bothering him. I'm like: Well, it's killing me and I'm not bitching about it.— E=mc² (@samalmightysam) September 1, 2012 ~Illustrated by: Colin Graham~... texts. Check Twitter. Check Facebook. Check Instagram. Check Vine. Check the road. Repeat.— Patrick Ryan (@patrickmarkryan) May 10, 2013 ~Illustrated by: Colin Graham~...