Rejection, whether is from a job or a date, can be... ..., the person turning us away can be kind about it. David Attenborough , a British broadcaster most famous for creating a... ...tudio Limited Run Games, once attempted to enlist Attenborough as a voiceover artist for the game Jupiter &... ...That's a...[](Vide... Dublin spliced the iconic voice of naturalist David Attenborough with scenes of people playing Pokémon Go.... you’ve been following along, you know tha... ...announced that the ship will be named the RRS Sir David Attenborough . Although not quite as funny, few would argue tha... ...tory submarine that will be housed aboard the Sir David Attenborough has been named Boaty McBoatface, despite the fact... ...ri... Dogg is not so much a tree hugger as he is a... ...BBC's Planet Earth series is normally narrated by David Attenborough , but people thought his narration left the series... first time I played the video to Adele’... ...d. That frustration is completely assuaged by Sir David Attenborough 's golden voice and soothing pacing as he narrates...[] (YouTube link)Sir David Attenborough brings us a nature documentary like no other, as...[](Video... in Clapham Common to attract attention to Sir David Attenborough 's documentary series Natural Curiosities. An upco... David Attenborough is a treasure, and not just to humans! The other...[] (YouTube link)Sir David Attenborough introduces us to the fish known as the Sarcastic... newly-discovered species of goblin spider has be... ...has been named in honor of British TV naturalist David Attenborough , and is now classified as Prethopalpus attenboroughi . The informal name will be Attenborough 's goblin spider.In an acceptance speech in Perth,... ...