Do you think racial sensitivity has gone too far i... ...ell, founder of Where White People Meet, says his dating website isn't racially insensitive at all, claiming he's... ...dated a black woman once".Whether you think Sam's dating site is racist or not consider this- there are al... this- there are a... Luke Dubois sifted through the profiles of... ...s of 19 million people in the United States on 21 dating websites . He then plotted the words that they used in the... that's what we're all looking for, rig... ...nth. She says that she was inspired to build the website after people kept telling her that she and her ex... ...she and her ex-husband look a lot alike. So this website will use facial mapping software to match you up... Link) In the olden days of the World W... ...e World Wide Web, there were only general-purpose dating websites . Now there are countless niche websites for specific needs, from the undead to the ugly.... Link) Are you a sea captain in need of... ...tiness of a grizzled old sailor? Well, there's a website now devoted to your needs. The search form is... Ugly Bug Ball is a dating website marketed to people with, uh, unique aesthetic qua... ...eels in love." Link via Geekologie | Official Website | Photo: SWNS have been able to erhm, order, a mail order b... obviously under-served niche is this fantastic website , Mail Order Husbands.This one to the left is &quo...