Comic books and video games often fail to make a l... ...because characters like Batgirl, Moon Knight and Cyborg are dying for their own game!(Image Link)Nerdmuch... Kit Parker, Sung-Jin Park, and their team of... ...d their team of scientists have built a real-life cyborg , a robot consisting of both artificial and biolog... IFW Dresden)Medical researchers at the Dresden Institute for Integrative Nanosciences wanted to find new ways to deliver drugs to targeted parts of the body. Prof. Oliver G. Schmidt led the search for what he cal... Higson)Similarly, if you need to kill a werewolf, shoot him with a silver bullet. If that kills him, then you know that you knocked off a werewolf.All you need is a command of basic science and logic to dispatch... Alper Bozkurt/North Carolina Stat... glad to see this cockroach search and rescue cyborg ! Alper Bozkurt of the North Carolina State..., surviving a nuclear... ...ear holocaust isn't enough. Science has created a cyborg cockroach, complete with its own power... will be emancipated. Resistance is futile. Chris Krahn of Boise Tattoo made this tattoo for Michael Vellotti. Krahn's website is worth a look. He has some really interesting pieces of work there, including one of... don't know what this is. There are captions written in the Cyrillic alphabet. But it's very clear that this would have been the basis of the greatest Lassie series ever. via Super Punch | Previously: Cat Lassi... at the University of California at Berke... ...spies! They aren't just robots, either. These are cyborgs , real beetles that have implanted electrodes that...