Neatorama Posts Tagged "curry"
The Long and Curious History of Curry

Curry ” has become the unofficial cuisine of Engla...  ...In fact, the only place that doesn’t have a curry tradition is India.That word “ curry ,” now as then, has a meaning as vague and i...  .... It’s not difficult to trace the spread o...
Seagull Falls Into Vat of Curry

A seagull in Wales was checking out the pickings a... it before. He had fallen into a waste vat of curry that was outside, it was chicken tikka masala. Th...
“Men’s Delusion Curry” Comes with a DVD of a Beautiful Woman Pretending to Be Your Girlfriend

(Photo: Village Vanguard)You don’t have to b...  .... This particular one comes packaged with instant curry , which is probably when you need a girlfriend app...  ...orts that the newly-released Men’s Delusion Curry —Orange Flavor comes with a DVD of the lovel...  ...r Haradan. She’ll gla...
High Fashion: Curry and Omelette Accessories

You're not a sloppy eater, but a fashion icon. You'll turn heads if you go out in public wearing accessories made by the Japanese company Fake Food Hatakana. You've got a wide array of gourmet choices from nations around...
A Pack of Pandas Invade Curry

(Photo: NariNari)With a bit of rice and seaweed, y...  ...pandas. Here's a herd of them heading down to the curry pond for a swim.While writing this post, I discov...
Hopefully It Tastes Better Than It Looks...

Just because the Jesus fresco was botched doesn't... the Jesus fresco was botched doesn't mean this curry
Nothing Like A Nice Relaxing Bowl of Curry

It's kind of like mixing a bento box with a nice, relaxing bath. You know what would make this really great? If you actually ate this while taking a bath yourself. Of course, in this weather, you'd probably want to make...
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