Neatorama Posts Tagged "crocheting"
Crocheted Snail Cozy...

Katie Bradley says that she has a tortaddiction. That means that she’s “addicted to caring for and rehabilitating tortoises.” She loves them so much that she crochets little cozies to keep them warm and...
Crocheted Cocoon...

These photos show scenes from a performance art pi...  ...erruption. In an interview, Camacho explained how crocheting is a way of returning home:My work deals with exp...  ...randmothers who crocheted or knitted. For me, the crocheting refers to a somewhat idealized version of home. I...  ..., familiarity and a...
Pizza Scarf Looks Good Enough to Eat...

Craftster member Starcee should be careful with this scarf. Some hungry person is sure to scarf it down. She made it as a gift for her sister and presented it, appropriately, in a pizza box.-via Geek and Nerd Knits...
Crocheted My Little Daleks...

Extermination is magic! Destroy Equestria with these six crocheted Daleks by DeviantART member Country Geek Crochet. From left to right, they are Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Flutters...
Crocheted Locutus of Borg...

After Captain Picard was assimilated by the Borg on Star Trek: The Next Generation, he was known as Locutus. Instructables member ChrysN made her crocheted drone with a working laser eye and motorized claw.It's quite rea...
Captain America Spare Tire Cover...

To mark her twentieth anniversary, WarpSpeedLinda, in keeping with American tradition, made a Captain America craft. Here's her crocheted spare tire cover.Link -via Crafting the Marvel Universe...
4-Car Train Covered with Crocheted Yarn...

(Photo: Hi-Fructose)Olek, the famous yarn bomber w...  ...ed previously, engaged in her boldest ever public crocheting project:At the beginning of July, rogue crocheter...
Crocheted Cozy Turns Turtle into Bowser...

The king of the Koopas from Super Mario Bros. is simply too cute to attack now. Jennifer Olivarez describes the costume she crocheted:For Make It! Challenge #5, Lisa Egolf challenged me to crochet a sweater for her turtl...
Incredibly Tiny Crocheted Animals...

Su Ami, a family-run studio in Vietnam, crochets adorably tiny animals and cartoon characters with embroidery threads. How do the artists manage to be so precise at that scale?Link -via 22 Words...
Lightsaber Crochet Hook...

An elegant tool for a more crafty time. This is the weapon of a Crochet Knight. Cherelle D made it with polymer clay. A the link, you can find step-by-step instructions on how to make your own. But as for me, I'll stick...

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