Students at North Harringay primary school in Geat... ...vent was just the inspiration pupils needed for a creative writing day at the school, and was orchestrated by Emma H... ...n, its literacy leader, with the help of one very creative parent and a local PC.A parent had built the spac... ...lend authentici... following is an article from The Annals of Imp... ...techniqueby Joshua LedermanSpecial Instructor of Writing Department of English, Emmanuel College, Boston,... is a non-profit organization in southern... ...ern California that teaches kids how to engage in creative writing . It's known for innovative workshops and clever... McCourt (RIP) may be better known... ...ut little did we know that he's also a teacher of creative writing at Ralph McKee high school. Read... ...and fantasy? Here was American high school writing at its best—raw, real, urgent,... ...12;the first...