Nowadays people feel more free to try out their ow... ...uds just to show us how bad foodstuffs used to be. Cracked ’s Evan V. Symon prepared 6 Gross Foods From... ...e! (Contains NSFW language, like most articles on Cracked ) Credit: GaritzkoConspiracy theories can be v... ...are simply "theories."Got to give some credit to Cracked , though. For years, the site has called out some... Via Wikimedia Commons)Ever since Criss Ange... ...Hidden Dark Sides of Life as a Street Magician to Cracked , five things he learned the hard way while workin... the scenes photos from classic movies are a... ...right?!) but that's why they call it movie magic! Cracked gossip is full of stuff that famous folk... Are True, created by the humor hungry folks at Cracked Link)Imagine a board game so complicated, so full of intrigue and rules, that it takes six boxes to contain it all.Picture yourself, and your friends, playing a game that requires you to devote your entire life to... Via Col. G. O. Evans)The title may not be a... ...lands don’t yet exist, but the locations on Cracked ’s list of Post Apocalyptic Wastelands Hidin... Aqua Teen Hunger Force (or Aqua Something... created thanks to a lie featured in this great Cracked article. do you think of when you watch Texas Chainsaw... ...sformation of past horror movie locations either. Cracked Up Coffee Mug The holidays are over. Are you havi... ...he daily grind? Express your inner angst with the Cracked Up Coffee Mug from the NeatoShop. This mug looks...