Neatorama Posts Tagged "cosmonaut"
The Tragic Story of Soyuz 11...

The U.S. has lost quite a few astronauts: three du...  ...icans have actually died in space. However, three cosmonauts died in orbit during the Soyuz 11 mission in 1971...  ...ppeared nightly on their television screens— cosmonauts who were being presented as human beings and not...
Urban Explorer Discovers Sad Remains Of Soviet Space Shuttle Program...

The Soviet Buran space shuttle program came to a grinding halt when the Iron Curtain fell in the early 90s, and as a new era of Russian freedom began another era came to a close.The Buran came to represent the Soviet spa...
The First Woman in Space...

Apparently there is a generation of Americans who...  ...rst trip on the space shuttle are well aware that cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova was launched into space in 1...  ...ediately after that, Nikolai Kamanin, head of the cosmonaut program and legendary Soviet pilot, proposed the...  ...gendary Soviet pilot, p...
The Soviet Space Dogs Who Took Giant Leaps for Mankind...

The tale of the canine cosmonaut Laika, the first living being to orbit the earth,...  ....) The decision was made: Dogs would be the first cosmonauts .Read the stories of Laika, Belka, Strelka, Dezik,...  ...Tsygan, Bobik, ZIB, Otvazhnaya, and other canine cosmonauts
Russian Roulette...

[] (YouTube link)They say...  ...nd, amidst the constant stream of losers, finds a cosmonaut chatting from space! In five minutes, we see two...
Cosmo New Year...

(YouTube link) A lonely cosmonaut has a very strange New Year celebration in this h...
First Orbit...

On April 12th, 1961, 50 years ago today, Yuri Gagarin {wiki} became the first human to go into space. Today is also the premiere of a full-length movie First Orbit. In a unique collaboration with the European Space Agen...
A Cat's Aspiration...

(YouTube link) Everyone has dreams. This cat...  ...Everyone has dreams. This cat dreams of being a cosmonaut . If he'd read yesterday's post on that same subje...
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