Remember, Star Wars did take place a long, long time ago, so really it only makes sense that their recruitment posters would look vintage to us. Cat Staggs aka Gattadonna on DeviantArt, made this series as part of a... great thing about this Stargate engagement ring box is that anyone can make one at home since only the inside is affected by the change. Of course, it helps if your engagement ring looks like the Stargate. Lin... loves The Joker and Daleks, but amazingly, if their creators followed their original plan, these are names we probably would never have known about because they were only supposed to appear once. Read about... you install a tiny library outside of yo... ...g 2,510. It's a big goal, but with a project this cool , it's certainly possible. So far they have over 2... quilt, by Craftster member graverobbergirl, is a great tribute to this show, featuring a plethora of daleks floating around the TARDIS. My favorite details though are the explosion around the TARDIS and the spac... all know The Wizard of Oz started out in Kansas, but what if it was transported to China? Billy Nunez's wonderful illustrations featuring tigers, samurais and more are a great interpretation of what might have bee... natural geodes are formed inside of natural rock formations, then why shouldn't man made items develop man made geodes? It makes sense right? Ok, maybe not really, but still, it looks neat and it makes you think -... don't know about you guys, but I wish these... ...cathedral.Either way though, they're still really cool needs food to be cooked by people? With the Let's Pizza vending machine, you can have pizza made from scratch in only 2 and a half minutes. While it might not be that great compared to restaurant pizzas, it would... Link) It might look like these snails are wandering around all willy-nilly, but if you watch all the way to the end of the video you'll realize there's a method to this silly madness....