One of the Library's missions is to preserve aud... ...of this work happens at the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center in Virginia. Here's a quick look at the pr... ...broadly available. In this video, a professional conservationist takes a 78 RPM record from 1908 and prepares it f...'ve talked about the sloth sanctuary in Costa Ri... In fact, there's also the Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center in Rainer, Oregon where you can get even m... Ben Yexly/UNSW) Conservationists at the University of New South Wales want cattle... practice of introducing endangered predators to a new area of land has always been controversial, because the people who live there must deal with the consequences. The Red Wolf Recovery Program introduced four pairs... biologist/comedian Simon Watt is teaming u... ...Animal Preservation Society is a campaign to aid conservation efforts for these creatures. Watt has recruited o... ...a series of live shows and videos to promote the conservation of the proboscis monkey, the blowfish, the Titica... puffins once nested up and down the coast of Maine, but hunting and egg-collecting reduced their numbers to, well, hardly any. Puffins instead nested in Canada. That is, until one guy decided he could bring some... the 1940s, the wild whooping crane population i... ...pped to about 15. Thanks to the work of dedicated conservationists since then, it has risen to about 500. It's a tou... are only a few thousand snow leopards left in the wild, and they are extremely reclusive, living in the mountains and hunting only at dawn and dusk. Now, for the first time time, we have video footage of a snow leo... link) Becky Standridge photographs wild horses in the Tonto National Forest in Arizona. It began as a hobby. Over time, she's gotten to know each horse, so her photographs are a godsend to wildlife officials from... new conservation area called KAZA has been established in Africa t... ...nites five countries and dwarfs previous wildlife conservation programs. It symbolizes cooperation between natio... ...size of Italy, the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, or KAZA, will e...