More than 25,000 people attended the Tokyo Int'l F... ...l professionals across Japan. The expo included a competition between the top funeral dressers. In the Shinto r... ...“I practiced every day to prepare for this competition ,” said a smiling RinoTerai after her win ov... remember that weird racing swimsuit that we sa... was banned for giving an unfair advantage in a competition . That's the story of four innovations in a list f... ...ockheed AQM-60 Kingfisher, had nothing to do with competition da Cunha, in the middle of the southern At... ...Institute of British Architects to host a design competition with sustainability in mind.Do you have any great... cat food held a competition for the best cat videos on the internet. Over 140... ...n conjunction with the award. Read more about the competition and the ceremony at Yahoo News. Link See the vide... Link) File this under " competitions that seem stupid but people really enjoy watching... ...s which. Held in Lincolnshire, this egg headed competition draws some fierce crackers to the table, and ever... link) Whenever there's a human activit... ...deo, Evan and Michael are in their third round of competition . -via Geekosystem Link) Ninja Warrior is an athletic competition /TV show from Japan that features an insanely hard... link) We've shown you Canine Musical F... ...e link) We've shown you Canine Musical Freestyle competitions and Bunny Show Jumping competitions , and now we have Feline Agility Competitions , too! In this video, a 5-week old Tonkinese kitte... ...e ribbon in "ado... Allan Poe Foundation of Boston and the Boston Art Commission plan to erect a statue honoring Edgar Allan Poe, and they've narrowed down the design submissions to three finalists. The finalists were selected from a... Cleveland AAF (American Advertising Federa... ...vertising Federation) challenged ad agencies to a competition to make a castle of canned goods. The object was...