Game of Thrones might be all too serious in book a... ...ious in book and TV forms, but when approached by comic book artist Azad Injejikian, the characters becom... of the Starks, Lannisters and the rest over at Comics, Tony does have an arc reactor near his heart, so maybe he can relate to this more than the more traditional version of the phrase. Etsy seller kayleeksauvey sells these in every women's size available, so for the l... is the cover of Action Comics #1, the first comic book to feature Superman. Jalopnik author Jason T... George Lucas first wrote down the story that... ...ince Lucas to let it be published. Now Dark Horse Comics will release the story in an eight-issue series b..., ‘Oh, this is a new scene,’” comics writer J.W. Rinzler told Wired. “It’s... many people were heading the their family's... WonderCon, the smaller cousin of the San Diego ComicCon . While there was plenty to see and do at the conv... ...point.Like most conventions, there were plenty of comic book costumes, including this great Power Girl wa... 1954, the psychiatrist Fredric Wertham publishe... ...nocent, a summary of his studies on the impact of comic books on the moral development of children. He found th... ...the moral development of children. He found that comics , as they were published at the time, greatly cont... ....Dr. Wertham's book le... Hawkeye Initiative is a place to draw attentio... ...a place to draw attention to ridiculously sexist comic book character drawings by replacing a female in... ...e, but when a male character does it, you see how comically painful it is. The project was inspired by a blog... ...of submissions. As these ar... Link)All Superheroes Must Die is an upcoming indie film that has been described as Kick Ass meets Saw, and from the look of this trailer fans of both franchises will be lining up to see this flick. B... of Spidey anyone? How about Avengers Hamburger patties? Ok fine, Howard the Duck chicken fingers then? Well, there has to be some kind of Marvel foodstuff you'd enjoy on this list.Link... seller Hollymessinger is both a geek and an a... ...t her shop designs featuring a great selection of comic