Neatorama Posts Tagged "comic books"
10 Interesting Inspirations Behind Famous Comic Book Villains

What is the connection between The Penguin and cig...  ...prised by what you don't know about your favorite comic book villains and the inspiration that led to the...
Clever Improvised Comic Book Made by 26 Different Artists

(Photo: Portland Superheroes Coalition)Kirk Damato...  ...rilliant idea. He recently attended the Rose City Comic Con in Portland, Oregon. While there, he asked ar...  ...s to participate in a game that would result in a comic book story.The process were simple: an artist dre...
Women Who Conquered the Comics World

Comics creator and historian Trina Robbins recently publ...  ...the history of the women who write and illustrate comics , including her own experiences in the 1970s. T...  ...e people said, ‘Oh, yeah, we can do our own comics . They don’t have to be superhero...
6 Comic Stories In Which Normally Cheerful Heroes Turned Dark

Image ViaIt can't be easy being a super hero. Gene...  ...happens.Topless Robot put together a list of some comic stories where the good guys went a little bezerk...  ...that would be more at home on The Wire than in a comic book. It is bleak stuff, but also shows us in a f...  ...s in a flash (see what I did th...
Behind the Scenes of the First Superman Comic Book

When it was published in 1938, Action Comics #1 cost 10 cents. It was the first appearance of...  ...he's being a hero. Have you actually read Action Comics #1? I haven't.Fortunatelly, artist Kerry Callen h...  ...P.S. Thanks to Callen's encyclopedic knowledge of comic
The 15 Stupidest Comic Book Superpowers

The creative conferences and the pressure to come... come up with ever more new superheroes in the comic book publishing industry must be intense, or mayb...  ...maybe writers get just plain desperate. For some comic book characters, booth superheroes and super vill...
20 Things You Might Not Know About The X-Men and Days of Future Past...

X-Men: Days of Future Past opens nationwide today....  ...ass. If you haven’t spent years reading the comics or if it’s been awhile since you did, you m...  ...nged.A list at mental_floss not only looks at the comic origins, but also has trivia about the movies, an...
The Glorious Reboot of Ninja High School...

To my enormous delight, this comic book arrived in my mailbox on Friday. It's the fi...  ...popular--at least by the standards of independent comic book publishing back in those days. Dunn, along w... could join in without needing to study the old comics . Just as people...
The Bizarre Religious Mini Comics By Jack T. Chick

(Video Link)Anyone who has come across...  ...oss one of Jack T. Chick’s little religious comics knows they’re full of strange messages, wei... even an issue dedicated to the evil of reading comic books , which seems to fit right in with the rest of Jac... the hands of believers, collec...
Preview: The Upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy from Marvel Press...

The Guardians of the Galaxy are a classic superhero team in the Marvel universe. They're the subject of a movie that will come out this year. Be sure to watch the funny trailer here. It looks really promising--especially...

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