College students use laptops in class . That's where their textbooks are. It's where the... ...riends, watch movies, and play video games during class , just like a phone except larger. Like any other... ...ontrolled for students playing video games during *strong class="m... SDSU News Center)Dr. John Putnam is a prof... ...e way to examine post-World War II history in the classroom . […]I remind them that this is a history c... ...s would also prove historically illuminating.-via College Insurrection[] (YouTube link) Colleges offer classes that are centered around the Twilight movie serie... ...e called "The Pig in America." These all make the classic course Underwater Basket Weaving seem downright n... ...the titles that you'd learn in other... looking through college class offerings are finding some strange but fascinatin... ...fferings are finding some strange but fascinating classes offered at American colleges and universities. There's probably some real educ... ...unique site[s] for the interplay of...