The Power of Decision is both a thrilling movie and an official US Air Force training film. Its production origin is unclear, although George Washington University has some details about this film gleaned from the Nation...[] (YouTube link)The source material for Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb was the 1958 suspense novel Red Alert by Peter George. However, Red Alert was not... Galactic Empire constructed an operational spa... ...f an orbital base, armed with a "sun gun."But the war brought a new idea to the table: Make a space sta... the literature we see on the internet from th... the literature we see on the internet from the Cold War era, you'd think that everyone had a backyard fal... ...eir feelings regarding preparedness for a nuclear war . Check out some of the results.Is it cowardly to... ...and the threat of total dest... a discussion following an article about Cold War fallout shelter crackers, the subject of blood ty... ...s to streamline medical procedures during nuclear war . It was less for identifying the blood type of pa... 1950s Cold War craze for fallout shelters was a serious undertak... ...erious undertaking for the US government. Nuclear war with the Soviets seemed inevitable, and the prude... ...e going to eat in crowded municipal shelters?That coldly logical approach, combined with an... Expressionism was a fringe movement, unti... ...anti-American; it saw the movement as a powerful Cold War weapon that could stoke patriotism at home and wi... Soviet Union founded quite a few towns during... ...Soviet Union founded quite a few towns during the Cold War that never appeared on maps; secret sites where r... ...lete with an underground base for storing nuclear warheads . Over five thousand residents (military and their... ...lifornia and South Dako... Cold War was a game of one-upmanship in the areas of nucle... ...hours of road construction. Read about the tug-of- war is the most interesting part of the school... we encourage our children to learn about it. Wartime particularly shaped public opinion, because great... ...blic opinion, because great innovations come from wartime research, for good or evil.After World War II,...