Flickr user Karen Green spotted this great cosplay dress at Comic Con 2011 and appropriately titled it "like a TRON prom dress." I don't know about you guys, but I'd love to see someone actually wearing this dress to the... a fun way to test your film knowledge? Then s... ...n see if you can identify the movies based on the clothing worn by the leading man.While the link is in Fren... fashion ads from 1970s feature an array... ...s and jumpsuits, people sure had strange taste in clothing back in the day! Link I asked you what you guys think a Ne... ...l would consist of, but today I've got a bunch of clothing designed to match your favorite websites. So, not... shirts were printed specifically for a photo shoot by Markus Mueller, but I think they should become a reality and become the new, official uniform of plumbers across the world. Link Via BoingBoing... ladies, looking for some sexy X-Men lingerie, Star Wars earrings or a TARDIS-based outfit? Then you might just enjoy the delightful fashions of Etsy seller Nerd Alert Designs. I know I do. Link Via Geeks Are Sex... I live, there are at least a half-dozen plac... are at least a half-dozen places to get free clothing . Churches have sales of truckloads sent down from... ...There's certainly more than will ever be needed. Clothing is not a scarce resource. In fact, charities send... ...lothes. According to Jo... cats and dogs in costumes are pretty darn funny, but horses and geese? Now that's just plain "redonkeyless." That's why this Oddee article is just so darn fun. Link..., making your child wear this sweater to school will almost certainly result in his getting bullied -if not beaten up outright. Even so, it's still a pretty impressive design when it comes to working in math equat... don't know about you other ladies, but while I have plenty of geektastic tees in my wardrobe, I'm certainly lacking when it comes to R2D2 skirts. Fortunately, Etsy seller GoChaseRabbits is here to correct that fashion...