There's more to gym class than towel snapping and poorly played games of vo... ...hese days, the award is still a staple in phys ed classes , although you no longer have to be at the top of... ...h you no longer have to be at the top of your gym class to get recognized. Those... fountains...psshh, those are so 2008... ...bout the ketchup fountain when you want to make a classy classes were found in college catalog listings of courses... ...rol its every image and sound? Sorry to say, this class isn’t going to help. Despite its title, “How... ...on and Beyond University of Texas at Austin The class explores the Star Trek language and Espe...'m sure just about everyone reading this was yelled at at least once in school for chewing gum, doodling, day dreaming or fidgeting, but as it turns out, science says those behavoirs are actually beneficial to your... PC version of Portal 2 launched today. Obvio... ...y in all sectors, and no reason to bother holding class