Six years ago, we reported on a clam that was found to be over 400 years old. Scientis... ...nd to be over 400 years old. Scientists named the clam Ming, after the Ming Dynasty. Unfortunately, it d... the number of bands in its shell. This type of clam , the ocean quahog...[] Disco didn't... ...die, it just moved ... into this Disco Clam who has its own far-out strobe-light sh... ...strobe-light show! Meet the Wakatobi Disco Clam , the only bivalve known to produce a co... in its mouth. But why does the Disco... salt? So does this clam *, which uses its ridiculously large tongue**... play or go to Link [YouTube] * Clams don't really like salt, but they love wine...'s one smart fish! An orange... ...d for the first time on video digging a clam out of the sand, then repeatedly throwing it agai...'s a pretty big deal." [...] The clam -cracking tuskfish isn't the first fish to be obse... specimen comes from the National Museum o... ...ommerce and no fewer than eleven merchants issued clamshell scrip. Each piece was numbered, and each piece... of the Midwest, it was necessary to sign each clamshell on the back in order to keep it in circulation.... the best-designed boat anchors are subopt... ...e sediment using the same mechanism employed by a clam . The clam first wiggles a fleshy foot into the sand below a... ...ucks in both water and sand. At the same time, it clamps shut its shell with a pronounced twitch that...