Movies typically stay in theaters anywhere from on... ...Mordecai to the less-than-super Blackhat starring Chris Hemsworth . Hemsworth is the actor who plays Thor in (so far) five of M...’s far from the total of his filmography. Hemsworth had a substantial career in soap operas in his na... ...icular role. For example, this can be seen in how Hemsworth had to gain 20 pounds of musc... I’d tell you to keep your heads... ...n (@theellenshow) on Apr 18, 2016 at 12:17pm PDT Chris Hemsworth had a bite to eat in a “rough area” o... manager called a few days later to tell Hemsworth that his wallet had been found. Tristin Budzyn-Ba... a request for tick... Average is making a series of videos called Criminal Crimes, which pokes fun at police dramas. It stars the sketch group Chess Club Comedy. This episode takes place in the morgue, as our detectives examine a murder... actors cast in superhero movie roles these day... ...uman bobbleheads!The Downey Jr., the Jackman, the Hemsworth , the Bale, even the Ledger (may he rest in peace)...