Psychologists and anthropologists have long observ... ...the house. Not only do they begin doing household chores earlier than children in the US, they continue to... ...p cook meals, help wash dishes. And they often do chores without being told. No gold stars or tie-ins to a... families teach children... men, pat yourselves on the back. You'll pulling your load. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Slovenian men do the most unpaid housework per day. India is at the bottom of t... Wallenrock/Shutterstock La... not doing his share of the household chores or parenting duties? Anne-Marie Slaughter of The... course, the problem here is that skin and again can be made to rhyme, so what will happen if you don't put the dishes in the dishwasher...certainly you won't get the hose again. Then again, do you really want to r...'t like to do chores ? Well, now you've got valid *medical* excuse not...