Kimbang the chimpanzee came into foster care when her mother was killed... , and humans. While chimpanzees are the smallest, humans are the weakest. Chimps... ...e stronger than our top athletes.Pound-for-pound, chimpanzees are 1.5 times stronger than humans at pulling and... ...Sciences. This strength is not the result of the *strong cl... truly understand animals you have to see what l... ...n easier. But is this the skull of a gorilla or a chimpanzee[](Video Link)This young bonobo at the Twycross Zoo in the UK has discovered the. Best. Game. Ever! It's called Sliding Down the Hill. To play, climb to the top of the incline i...’ve probably heard that the humans and chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA. Is this true? MinuteEarth... ...tain species’ genome. After all, humans and chimpanzees don’t even have the same number of chromoso... New Scientist)Small children may not be br... ...ed a stretch of road in Uganda for 29 months. 112 chimpanzees crossed during that time. 92% of them checked for... this video footage filmed at Burgers' Zoo in the Netherlands, a chimp has more frustration toward the annoying, buzzy thing in his face than he can shake a stick at. Fortunately, shaking a stick seems to eradicate the...[] (Vid... rescue organization in Austria rescued several chimpanzees which had been caged in an indoor laboratory for... ...derbichl prepared an open air environment for the chimpanzees , then moved them to a cage adjoining it. When it... ..., they opened a do... Jonas Löwgren)Nine chimpanzees who grew up in a Dutch safari park would issue wh... ...nterested grunt.” But within 3 years, these chimpanzees were grunting the Scottish way. This indicates th... grunting the Scottish way. This indicates that chimpanzees...[] (YouTube link)The In... ...Harris an infinite number of digital copies of a chimpanzee