In February, the US Patent Office granted Craig Wa... ...s of the game.Previously on Neatorama: 12 Bizarre Chess Variants-via Weird Universe Chappell was a chess whiz as a kid, but as he got older, it became bor... ...ame, but it seemed too easy. So he looked into 3D chess -which has been tried in many different ways, but... ...oyable. So Chappell set out to design a way to do chess on multiple levels right: a... you believe that a game of chess is just too simple, imagine the fun of keeping up... ...the strategy of two opponents at once! This 3 Man Chess board is circular, so you're all starting at the... ...e disadvantage. From the product description:Play chess with 3 people at t... takes five minutes to learn and a lifetime to mas... ...rter than another. Check out some films that used chess see beautiful and creative chess sets on the internet, and then we go home to use... ...ugh the history of the game, there have been many chess sets made purely as works of art, with actual pla... ...actual playability a low priority. The history of chess is even more compl... is a one-of-a-kind handmade chess set. Game designer KnowNothing_JonSnoo received i... ...ained glass artist.You can just imagine a game of chess where the only light source in the room is the bo...'s pretty well known that military service membe... ...pointed in the actual portrayal. And then there's chess . Filmmakers seem to always get chess wrong on one way or another, often in many ways,... ...nd that's bothersome to those who love the game. Chess errors come in a... grandmaster and world champion Magnus Ca... ...n New York and went to watch the old guys playing chess in the park. One of them beat his manager pretty... story starts to get weird right before you figure out what they’re talking about. Yes, it’s an odd game, but I believe the rules were designed over many generations by people who didn’t really have... takes five minutes to learn and a lifetime to mas... consumption, and you end up with one-of-a-king chess sets with astronomical prices. Consider this set... ...f $113,575. Piero Benzoni crafted this stunning chess set. It features a scene which pays homage to th...