Cheetahs are notoriously hard to breed in captivity, but t... ...For some institutions, that work is paying off. A cheetah named Kyan at the Taronga Western Plains Zoo in D... ...n Plains Zoo in Dubbo, Australia, gave birth to a litter of six cubs on June 6.“This Kyan&rs...
Six New Cheetah Cubs
10 New Cheetahs
Two cheetahs , a mother and daughter, gave birth to large litters in the same week at the Smithsonian Conservation... ...rginia, an adjunct of the National Zoo. One was a litter of five; the other cheetah gave birth to seven cubs, but the s...
Six Cheetah Cubs
You’ve read enough about cheetahs right here at Neatorama to know that more than tw... Neatorama to know that more than two cubs in a litter is unusual. A cheetah named Addison at the San Diego Zoo gave birth in... the San Diego Zoo gave birth in November...
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