American Cheese (Image: Steve Spring/Wikimedia) Well, hav... ...d orange slices of processed food called American cheese ? It's no wonder that American cheesemakers are miffed when the European Union proposed that... ...d that they stop using European names... your New Years Resolution is to enjoy more gril... ...our New Years Resolution is to enjoy more grilled cheese sandwiches (that's really a much better and more... ...ic, where you can learn how to make a new grilled cheese sandwich for every day of the month. These aren't... baked macaroni and cheese is pretty much the most amazing thing in the worl... ...thing in the world -especially with a lot of good cheeses and some good pork products (ham, sausage or baco... ...oky pork meats and the rich, creamy flavor of the cheese . You can find... cheese and Doritos, but tired of Nacho Cheese Doritos? Then you just might love the new limited... ...os, but as a huge fan of snack food and luxurious cheeses , I would love to try some of these tasty teats. in the US, most of our big news about Doritos... ...y just added a new flavor to the line up, Avocado Cheese . No longer do you have to dip your nachos in guac... you read our food posts regularly, you probably know that we simply love snack foods and sweets, so of course we exploded with happiness when we saw Food Beast's newest recipe that combines SpaghettiOs, Velveeta and G... happens when someone goes on Twitter to expre... ...showing a modified Nyan Cat with bread and drippy cheese replacing Nyan's classic Pop Tart and rainbow. As... ...mes and that's what really matters in a processed cheese food company. would be pretty content with a cheese wheel or sushi cake wedding cake...but a cheeseburger or pizza one just wouldn't do it for me. That bei... Veronica Meewes)Ice cream is yummy. So is... ...s)Ice cream is yummy. So is a good, sharp cheddar cheese . Why not combine them? That's what Paul Qui and h... aged cheddar ice cream inspired by the frozen cheese confections executive chef Paul Qui enjoyed as a... Wolfe's obsession with mold is going to c... Wolfe's obsession with mold is going to change cheese making forever. And it's going to be delicious. (... ...derground vaults of the Cellars at Jasper Hill, a cheese -aging facility that's part of a farm and creamery... ...f a farm and creamery in G...