Some people find elevated freeways, and in particu... ...luminating idea- turn recycled bicycle parts into chandeliers . Their project is called Ballroom Luminoso, and t... ...m Luminoso, and the effect created by the LED lit chandeliers really brings a touch of class to that drab under... ...ass.But will a s... your house feeling a little too soft? Then perhaps you could add in just a little ruggedness with Jean Landry's Marfa Tumbleweed Light. Conversely, while the piece is just about as iconic of the Old West as a pair of... Global Data Chandelier is a permanent and functional art installation at the new headquarters of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. It’s the brainchild of several design firm... Parmar's Celebration Chandelier provides both an antique and a modern ambiance. He recovered bottle corks from campagne bars, hollowed them out, then placed LEDs inside. Think of how much fun it could be to have o...