Mothers can’t help but be protective of their children. Redditor DantesInfernape was watching something with his mother when a woman’s bare breasts appeared on screen. Despite the fact that he’s 22 year... the movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was rele... ...rying to take him away. The Swedish Board of Film Censorship thought watching E.T. would plant subversive idea... of female students at Wasatch County High School in Utah were altered without their knowledge for the school yearbook, a fact that only became known when the finished yearbooks arrived. Sleeves were added to so... May of 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allies and ended the war in Europe. Big news, huh? It was news that the U.S. military wanted to censor, because they wanted to control the timing. It sounds ridiculous now, but... Learn An Instrument When You Can Have An Automated One? (Dark Roasted Blend)12 Awesome Futuristic Gloves (Scribol)Cold? Hopefully Not This Bad (Oddee)Apparently the UK Government Hates League of Legends (Geekosystem)... Verge has an extensive article on the rise of... ...has an extensive article on the rise of broadcast censorship . Despite the devotion to freedom of speech, broad... ...ffending anyone. The first incidence of broadcast censorship occurred in 1921, when Vaudeville performer Olga... 1954, the psychiatrist Fredric Wertham publishe... ...comic book industry. In order to avoid government censorship , the major companies in that industry adopted a s... link) The library in Troy, Michigan, was under a threat to close if a referendum raising taxes .07% did not pass. Things looked pretty grim until a creative campaign using reverse psychology was designed to tur... love this! A bath towel that pixelates your... ...towel that pixelates your body in real life! The Censorship Towel is an art project from the Carmichael Colle... the era of Big Brother, censorship was alive and well. LiveScience explain... of the most exquisitely beautiful examples of censorship , with the offending passages oblitera...