Bring on the tuna-filled chimichangas! To celebrat... ...the impending release of the new Deadpool movie, Cat Cosplay dressed up this cat as our famous nutcase from the Marvel universe. for Neatorama, of course, because it has re... ...king. Otherwise, I'll spend the rest of my day at Cat Cosplay, which dresses up cats in highly realistic costumes of pop culture characters, such as Spock from Sta... February 8, the Chinese New Year inagurates the... ...ese zodiac. To mark the occasion, YouTube user 10 Cats dressed one of his cats in a monkey costume --much to the mockery of the other cats in the house.[ Meowgaroo Suit is the conclusion to humanity's... ...e human body is supposed to be clad. Unihabitat's cat suit, which is an expansion of its cat -carrying hoodie, makes you look like a cat , what with the ears, tail, and paws. It's so real... ...realistic that you may... Poole wanted to take pictures of his cats Cole and Marmalade in their Halloween costumes . Cole is Batcat and Marmalade is Supermarm. He ev... ...made an elaborate backdrop for the pictures. But cats don’t like to cooperate with anything a hum... ...y from the... is ready for his turn in front of the camer... ...dy for his turn in front of the camera for an all- cat remake of Ghostbusters! If you know who originall... let us know. -via Geeks Are SexyUpdate: The cat is named Lulu, and the picture is by Jessica Fine... ...picture is by Jessica Fine, who...