Cats are even smarter than we realized. Of all the thi... lives in Hamilton, New Zealand. Her hobby i... ...erwear. Brigit’s owner, Sarah Nathan, would catch the cat burglar with a sock every now and then, but did not reali... ...Hopefully there's something there she can find to catch[]YouTube LinkThis sne... ...him? As it turned out, all he wanted was another cat the other brown clog and a crispy whit... ...Night of 8/10. How is Snorri not the most popular cat on the Internet? He is so reliable. #pairs #snorr... ...He is so reliable. #pairs #snorri #snorrithecat # catburglar #shoethief #portland #oregon #montavilla #smugA p... ...Aug 11, 2015 at 7:36am PDT Sn... Veer noticed that the cat treats were going missing, although they were in... ...noticed the drawer open. They knew it must be the cat Anfield taking them, but how? So they set up a ca... ...tps://] (YouTube link)We know cats are liquid, because they... 7-11 store in Kanto, Japan, has reached its limi... ...osted a sign with a picture of the perpetrator, a cat described as “three-apples-tall, black, and... ..., black, and walks in an aloof manner.” The cat has been helping himself to cat food from the store for...[] (YouTube link)Lily t...] (YouTube link)Lily the cat likes rugs. She'll take them right out from under... employees at an animal shelter in Swinoujsc... ...but a hidden camera revealed the true culprit: a cat named Clement.After 200 GBP had gone missing in a... ...two-year-old Clement - one of the centre's rescue cats - sneaking into the office at midnight and making... link) Denis the Cat Burglar Newman loves to collect things, like the neighbor... ...ds his criminal fame to the organization Homeless Cat Rescue Bedfordshire. Link -via Arbroath