[https://youtu.be/vO1jrCodB7Y] (YouTube link)Can y... ...youtu.be/vO1jrCodB7Y] (YouTube link)Can you stack boxes too high for Maru to climb into? Maybe the real q... ...e the real question is, how can you get that many boxes all the same size? Well, I can imagine if you're... ...imagine if you're mugumogu, pe...
https://www.neatorama.com/2018/05/24/Maru-Vaulting-Boxes/We know cats are liquid, as they take the shape of their conta... ...d, as they take the shape of their container. And cats love any kind of container: boxes , dishes, shelves, closets, bags, or whatever they... ..., closets, bags, or whatever they can get into. A *strong...
https://www.neatorama.com/2018/03/21/If-I-Fits-I-Sits/Simon Tofield brought us Simon's Cat 's Guide to Boxes a couple of months ago, he omitted a few categories of boxes that he later remembered… and then drew fo... ...uTube link)This video drives home the notion that *strong class=...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/06/02/Simons-Cats-Guide-to-More-Boxes/Sure, your cat loves any cardboard box , but wouldn't you rather see a TARDIS in your hom... ...k extraordinary. Ten years ago we got ourselves a cat – Shusha. Ever since, she has been a member... ...e unpacking Shusha started playing in a cardboard *strong class="ma...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/05/05/Quirky-Cardboard-Cat-Furniture/Cats love boxes , but some boxes are better than others. To determine which is the... ...they must all be thoroughly checked out. Simon's Cat and the kitten are channeling Maru and his sister...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/04/21/Simons-Cats-Guide-to-Boxes/Has no one done this already? Chris Hallbeck at Ma... ...with the genius idea of a subscription supply of cat boxes . The only thing cats love more than a box is a newer box . A "selection" of boxes...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/12/01/A-Million-Dollar-Idea/Before there was radio or TV, we used to sit aroun... ...dio or TV, we used to sit around and laugh at the cat . Then we got movies, TV, and then the internet, a... ...now we sit around and watch other people’s cats do funny cat stuff.[https://youtu.be/1CxK_jKKHHU] (You...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/07/13/Kittens-Playing-in-Boxes/Cats love boxes so very much, just ask Maru. Simon Tofield has fo... ...very much, just ask Maru. Simon Tofield has four cats , so he knows that well. In this episode of Simon&... ...knows that well. In this episode of Simon’s Cat...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/05/20/Simons-Cat-Logic-Why-Cats-Love-Boxes/[https://youtu.be/GMxp7EwwtTM] (YouTube link) Cats just love those enclosed spaces! Ignoramusky comp... ...oramusky compiled a collection of clips featuring cats putting themselves into bags and boxes
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/06/21/Self-Packing-Cats/Yasmine Surovec at Cat vs. Human has a good handle on why cats love boxes , but that’s not the full story. You can buy... ...that’s not the full story. You can buy your cat the nicest new cat...