You may have seen the viral photos of a casket decorated with an M&M candy theme. It's real and the story behind it is deeply heartwarming.Fox News reports that Mary Stocks Martin of Snowflake, Arizona died at the ag...‘I didn’t want a normal funeral and it had to be a celebration of life because I have been to too many funerals where they were very sad occasions,’ he explained. ‘I wanted someth... CataCombo Sound System)Just because you're dead doesn't mean that you have to part from your favorite One Direction tunes. The CataCombo Sound System uses Spotify to route music to speakers built into your coffin... father of redditor gooddrunky died. Her brother, uncle and friends came together to build him a casket in 2 days. She writes in response to comments:Thank you all for your kind words and wishes. I'm sharing this beca... us bury her as we found her. Faustine Gau's coffin (that is, she made the coffin and is not necessarily buried in it) follows the iconic form of a body outline at a crime scene.Link -via Ian Brooks... want this table. I'll keep it in my living r... ...nds. Casket Furniture, a company that produces caskets and casket-inspired household furniture, made thi...' Caskets , a company based in Winchester, California, makes... ...based in Winchester, California, makes customized caskets that look like stylish hot rods. When the lid is... your goal in life is to own the most tasteless rock memorabilia, then you best be heading to eBay soon. The Big Bopper was moved to a new casket recently and that means his previously used casket is now up for sale on...